Kategori: LISTS
Type the alphabet and stop at the letter of the last person you kissed.
Who was the last person you talked to before you went to bed last night?
Where did your last kiss take place?
i mr.a's bed.
Would you consider your parents to be strict?
Have you ever tackled someone to the ground?
har man väl va.
Is your last name longer than 6 letters?
nej, 5.
What was the last thing you wore that was black?
jeansen jag har på mig nu.
Do you say the F word a lot?
gör jag nog alldeles för ofta.
Have you kissed anyone with the name starting with a J?
What happened a year ago in this month?
oj, svårt. gick i skolan, hängde med vänner, var ute och dansade, dejtade pojkar osv.
What’s the last thing that went into your mouth?
ett äpple.
When was the last time you laughed really hard that you cried? And why?
skrattade nå så sjukt när vi skulle åka och se lmfao för några veckor sen. kippade efter luft, grinade och klappade med händerna som en fet säl. det var en blandning av saker som gör livet som bäst.
Do you have a mirror in your room?
How about a tv?
Would you hug the last person you hugged again?
Can you be your complete self around the person you like?
Do you have alcohol in your house?
Did you like anyone last summer?
ja det gjorde jag.
Do you think you can last in a relationship for 3 months?
If someone told you that you were a player, what would you say back?
ja säg det, skulle väl undra lite vad den personen grundar den åsikten på.
How old will you be in 5 years?
What happened at 10:00 am today?
pluggade psykologi.
Is any part of your body sore?
oj, jaaa.
Where is the one boy/girl you want to see the most right now?
på träning, som alla andra dagar den här tiden.
Last night you felt?
jaa, lite kall, ensam kanske.
Do you wish someone was with you right now?
skulle ju inte skada.
Stayed single almost the whole year?
If you were 12 and you could see yourself now, would you be disappointed?
Told your parents you were going somewhere but went somewhere else?
har man ju gjort några gånger.
Favorite quote?
har ingen riktigt bra sån asså.
First place you went this morning?
What if the last person you texted told you they had feelings for you?
ja ni, lite känslor finns det kanske bland syskon.. Härlig syskonkärlek.
What are you drinking?
just nu, ramlös hallon & björnbär.
Do you have clothes that are not yours?
You see your ex and he/she tells you he misses you & you say?
jaa, inte skulle jag ta tillbaka honom iallafall.
Is it hard for you to get over your ex’s?
beror ju lite på hur förhållandet var.
Who is the first person you would call if you needed help?
beror på vilken hjälp jag vill ha.
Is sex the most important thing in a relationship?
If someone cheated on you, would you take them back if you really loved them?
nää skulle jag nog inte. men jag ska väl aldrig säga aldrig, med tanke på folks berättelser.
Got in any fights this year, 2012? With who?
Have you ever liked someone who treated you super shitty?
ja, fast vissa dagar och vissa dagar verkligen inte.
Did you wake up to someone attractive recently?
Have you ever been bitten by a dog?
nej, men en and.
What is the worst possible way to die?
något när man är levande. typ brinna upp levande eller nått.
Honestly, why are you taking this survey?
How many times have you kissed the last person you kissed?
Who was the last person to touch your stomach besides you?
Do you like sushi?
åh jaa, favvomaten.
Do you find it weird that some people brush their teeth in the shower?
Describe how you’re feeling today:
like a baaauuus.
Will you be in a relationship 1 month from right now?
vem vet. tar en dag i taget jag.
Did you have a valentine for last valentines day?
Do you ever think about what went wrong in your last relationship?
nä, inte längre.